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Appledore & Instow Regatta 2004 The
annual Regatta is to be held on 8 August 2004. Sailing and rowing
events will take place from the Instow Beach. For information on the
Regatta events contact Norman Johns, 01271-860578. Appledore & Instow Regatta 2002 images
Weekdays Pre-School Playgroup 9.00pm - 11.45pm TODDLERS: IF YOU WISH TO RESTART - TEL: 861464 Monday + Tuesday ~ Table Tennis - 7.30pm Monday + Thursday ~ Short Mat - 1.30pm (Short Mat meets on Thursday only in Summer) Monday ~ Keep Fit 6pm - 7pm 1st Thursday of the month ~ Women's Institute - 7.30pm Last Wednesday of the month ~ Flower Club - 2.15pm Second Sunday in Month ~ Antique Market - 10.00am Third Thursday in Month ~ Parish Council - 7.30pm First Sunday in Month ~ Causeway Service - 3.15pm First Saturday in Month ~ Healing Group - 2.00pm Saturday Club ~ Fortnightly in Winter - 10.00am Available to let for all events, social or charity. All enquiries should be directed to the Lettings Officer on Instow 861464 - Current charges are displayed in the Hall.